Friday, August 21, 2009

Hope for the Future, Strength for the Present!

I have to express that I have received so much support that it seems impossible to put into words how important it has become for my progress and positive attitude. I couldn't begin to thank all of you for your encouraging words and actions.

But I have to take a moment to mention some of the young individuals in my life, the ones that I have some constant or even intermittent contact with.. my younger clients that give me strength in the moment and hope for our future.

I was brought to tears today as Martha(a client) mentioned her son and my client Caleb had just selected the confirmation name of "Michael" and his reasoning was related to my struggles. (Sorry Martha... you told me I could tell him..)

Now I know I do not deserve this honor nor do I expect this commitment from anyone, but the simple fact that at 16, Caleb has the maturity and empathy for such a generous decision gives me hope for our future and the strength to continue on with dignity, belief in purpose and a positive attitude.

Caleb, by the way, pulled the swim leg of our team triathlon last year in Amesbury. Along with Jason Cox(running) and myself on the bike, we were able to pull off a victory in the team category. And no..Caleb came out of the water in 11th place, I..yes I lost the lead on the bike as one guy blew by me, and Jason pulled it off with a breathtaking run to capture the win. was a first time entry for both the youths! Not too bad for two 15 year old's standing on the platforms as they collected their golds.

Now that I'm on a roll.. I have to mention 3 others..

Jeff Repucci, a recent Phillips Exeter grad and outstanding hockey player and all around athlete and individual. Jeff has displayed more passion for life's activities, events and experiences and more compassion for others than anyone I have seen for his young age and I respect him for his energy and believe in the decisions he's about to make.. and thank him for becoming part of my life.

Tom Larkin, a dear friend of Jeff's and another outstanding young individual that shared the ice with Jeff as co defense-men. Tom was recently drafted by the Columbus Blue Jackets and actually got the call while training with Jeff at my facility.. After.. no actually during the flurry of calls and text messages that was lasting for a good half hour.. and while walking out the door and still on the phone.. Tom put his excitement on hold, returned inside to thank me for the days workout! I have to mention Tom, because his small gestures go a long way in shaping an individual. Tom has since return from summer in Italy(his home) and while only in town for a brief moment before heading out to training camp, stopped in to check on my progress. Now that gives me strength and hope..

One more.. little Derek.. 6 years old and a bundle of joy from the moment he enters the gym. I know, many of you may think Derek may be too young.. but Derek has had his own struggles as an adopted child from Guatemala.. and Richard had the foresight to make certain Derek has the best opportunities available to him and Derek flourishes and his personality, happy demeanor and innocence give me so much pleasure and strength of purpose.

I know I probably could have been more eloquent in my written thoughts but my point is that with so much positive around me... how could I afford to be negative?

So keep your smiles for me, keep your faith and I'll accept your prayers too if that is your belief.. stay strong, stay positive.. and leave your pity at the door because you know I will..

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