Saturday, August 29, 2009

BIG Shout Out!!

To Lester Kwock, in North Carolina..

Lester is a five year esophageal cancer survivor and had been instrumental in the commencement of my journey. His compassion, spirit, good nature and positive attitude had really shaped my approach and mental attitude prior to my treatment and gave me my belief that "I will" be beating this with ease.

Lester was introduced to us thru our dear friends Linda and Kevin and as Linda believes, God puts people in our paths for a reason. I now know it was to be able to connect with their dear friend, Lester Kwock.

Les is and always will be a survivor and I thank him for his strength, kindness and compassion! Good luck to you Les as you continue along your path of good health and happiness.. your friends are wonderful and that makes you a success!

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration you both are!

    You know, I once had a dear friend say to me ~ "God NEVER wastes our pain or suffering"... mmm... I once wondered what that meant, until growing through many crisis... I can understand what that meant now... another friend shared, "Lord, for who's sake am I going through this?"... (I like to use the term, "growing"... we all grow through suffering ~ we don't want it, didn't ask for it and certainly, He gets our attention, through it...
    Your friend, is a gift to you and you're a gift to us ~ your journy's similar and we're all blessed by hearing of your friendship with this loving man...

    we sooo appreciate you sharing your journey and enlightening us, being so open, transparent, vulnerable ~ teaching all of us on your journey... God Bless you, Mike~ you're suffering is not easy and His strength is made known in our weakness ~ God is with you ~ carrying you even through this journey...and He's provided a friend, who's lived it and loving you through, he completely understands it, as he's lived it too... we're thankful, you've been put together ~ he's loving you through your suffering, as no one else can ~ and inspiring you now ~ trust... lean... and keep the Faith, bro~!

    We love you ~ hug your friend too from all of us and we're thankful, you both met ~ there are no co-incidences... we liken to call them, "divine appointments"... or a "God Wink"... great book, When God Winks at You...

    You've been winked with your friend, by God...
    so cool........

    powerful stuff ~

    K & G.
