Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fully Physically Capable..or Disease Free?

For those of you that don't know..I'm a follower of the CrossFit philosophy and today I came across a video that gave me a little more to think about..

Fully Physically Capable..or Disease Free?

The question becomes more real now as I struggle with my infliction so I have to ask myself.. would I rather be "fully physically capable" or "disease free"??

I think if I had previously asked myself that question I would have immediately selected the "disease free" state. But would I?

I know a lot of you now are feeling sorry for me or for my present condition but... if you truly want to know where I stand.. I have to tell you that yes I have a disease now.. one that was not of my choosing or resulting from my behaviors..

But that is ok.. I did not choose to be sick and did not choose to be presently unhealthy. No but I have chosen and will always choose to be fully physically capable.

Here is a little exert from the may want to cut and paste the link below.

So ask yourself this question tonight..

At 90, or even 75.. or yes 50... would you rather be disease free or fully physically capable?? More to the point.. would you want to be the one that is disease free yet has to be wheeled in a chair to the ATM, have someone wash your face after eating... drive you to the grocery store or walk you up those stairs. Or would you choose to be fully physically capable? Choose to be that 90 year old that has beaten cancer not once but many times.. yet can run up those stairs, go to that restaurant of his choosing or yes drive himself to basketball Sunday mornings..

I know my how about you?

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