Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cousins..Thank You Karen!

Can you all tell which one is me?? And my sis and bro?? Grandma in the middle.. rest are cousins..

My cousin Karen sent it over.. first I had ever seen of it at Green Lakes State Park in NY! Click on the pic to enlarge..

OH..and this is my Mom's side of the family.. the Hughes.. missing my cousin Kathy and includes one friend on the end not related.

My brother and I on each end.. yeah I without my shirt.. and my sister Renee with head turned next to my grandmother..


  1. Mikey,
    Are we a great lookin bunch of kids or what!!!!
    Love this picture,glad Karen sent it to you. The girl on the end in the red next to your "oldest cousin" was a friend of mine but everyone else is your family. Kathy is not in this, way to long ago to remember why she isn't.


  2. We were wondering why Kathy wasn't in the picture and who the stranger next to Marie is. Thanks Marie!

    P.S. Mom is so happy that all of the cousins are keeping in touch with Michael.

    Michael, we love you!
    Mom, Dad and Renee

  3. Dear Michael, I Just recently heard about your blog. I just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you, and praying for you.

    Rita (Brown) Decker
