Thursday, October 15, 2009

Results Are In..

Swallow test indicates no leaks(actually the radiology guys told me, couldn't wait for my doctor to get back from lunch) looks like I'll start my liquid diet today!!

They have there plan and I have mine, both of which I consider conservative..

I have said more relating to my progression from this point, so for those of you that has missed my last post, please read it...and for all of you..thank you and god bless!


  1. I refuse to accept that you're ending this blog. Nope. I enjoy reading it, a little java, and now what? Dr. Phil? It is engaging, insightful, provocative and it must keep going. Like you. I have a subscription. I'm calling my lawyers.

  2. Great news. Your prior post is the Mike that we all know. Outstanding to see your insight and determination on how you conduct your business. See you soon.

  3. Since there is officially no new post for consumption, I am forced to leave yet another comment on this one. The protest march is planned. I will continue posting to this entry until a new one appears. While my attorneys seem to think I have little recourse, the vigil will continue.

  4. Well, I can see that it's difficult to coerce you, Mike. I am now forced to read my own comments on YOUR blog. That's not particularly entertaining -- now is it? Tomorrow, I will post a very long poem -- as a form of protest.
