Wednesday, October 7, 2009

OH...And Please??

I really do not know how to ask.. so I will be up front in asking that you all please wait.. I do know your intentions are good and I cannot thank you enough.. but if I am to recover as fast as I plan, and beat the doctors constraints.. than I must ask that I do not receive visitors while I am at the hospital.

I do know this sounds cold.. and that I am trying to be tough.. and that you all think I am trying to get through this on my own.. but I must ask that those that plan on visiting.. please.. PLEASE do not!!

I would really love to see you all, and I really do appreciate all that has been done for me. But I will be in pain and I will be exhausted. And my entire family will be with me treating me well for the weekend. And I NEED my rest as I have my own expectations.. and if I am to meet them than I need to rest.. need to sleep and need to eat so I can become strong again.

I am really serious and ask that you tell all that do not read this blog.

Love you all.. cannot thank you enough for all that you have done and the comfort you have given me. I have said it before and I will say it again. You have all stepped up.. done more than I could have ever imagined and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My cell is 978-973-2732 and email is

Will have them both with me and will gladly answer all as soon as I am able..

And for those of you that have read my blog.. tomorrow I am "Bouncing Back!!"


  1. Got it. Get well soon. We are all rooting for you.

  2. To all of Michael's friends and relatives.

    We are happy to report that Michael's surgery went well today and rather than the 7 hours as expected, the surgery only lasted 5 hours and 15 minutes. We just talked with the doctor and Michael is on his way to ICU, where he will be sleeping for the next 15 hours or so. Sometime tomorrow, the hospital staff will get Michael up and walking. He will remain in ICU for another few days, then be transferred to another room for about one week.
    Please pass this information along to other friends and family members that may not read the blog comments on a regular basis. We will continue to provide updates regarding Michael's progress.
    On behalf of the Champagne family, we express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your prayers and best wishes to Michael throughout these last few months. Please continue to keep Michael in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  3. Please give him a wink... as a hug or kiss might compromise his recovery and let him know that we all love and admire him so much.
    And that he should use every day that the insurance company will allow him to recover, as booring as it may seem, to heal....This is not a competition. Rest now so that you get well faster.

    Dolores and Rich

  4. Continued prayers are being lifted up for you Mike & your Dad too ~ we are so inspired by your fighting spirit, your love for all of us who care deeply for you and are truly respecting your wishes ~ to stay away... how fantastic you can communicate that and it's respected... wholeheartedly! It's so necessary to rest, rest, rest... you're being poked, prodded, checked on so much ~ it'll be hard to get the much needed rest while there ~ it's kind of annoying sometimes ... just when you're getting some shut eye... another visit by a nurse!... (hey, can you blame them? you're a great looking guy!)... oh, they are really checking your vitals?... mmm... (had to get a laugh out of you here)'s the best medicine!

    Hugs to you ~ all the love we (all your friends) have for you is being sent your way...

    Keep the Faith, Bro... you are being surrounded by prayer from folks you don't even know,who care about you... world-wide and you are being loved from afar...

    Thanks for keeping us all apprised through your's a great way to communicate to all of us!...

    Much love to you ~ and your family too~!


    Karen & Glenn
