Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Radiation Day #4

Finally getting through my nausea..just in time for my next chemo treatment Thurs..

I think once I get my nausea medication under control it will become much easier.

Not certain I really like 1 good day a week before my next treatments.

Today is day 4 out of 28 for the radiation. Boy I thought this would be much easier..extreme fatigue doesn't help..thank god for my air mattress tucked behind my desk at work!

For those of you that don't know..I'm still here and still working..just sleeping a little more..


  1. I was going to stop in after work , But you were gone . I'll see you in the morning , Get some exercise and walk on over sometime , Or bring your bike so that I can take it for sticker , You know what they say You never see a motorcyle at the psychiatrist office , A ride will do you good .


  2. Hi Baby-Cakes- You can puke (or sleep) on my shoulder any time. Call me and I will be there. :) I thought morning sickness sucked, but obviously I was way wrong. xoxoxoxoxoKatie
