Friday, August 7, 2009

Keep Em Coming.. Bucket List / Bill Richard

Better hurry...slots are filling up fast!!

This is one of Bill's favorites...says he may have trouble bumping the walls in the "Cave of Swallows" so he would prefer this one.

Tell you.. I would rather take my chances on a short little jump in Mexico than seated coach next to a large "ass" so to speak on a 20 hour flight to Auckland! Did it once and swore I would never do it again.

RedBalloon V8 Race Car Driving Experience - Funny videos are here

1 comment:

  1. MIke it's pretty hard to come up with Ideas I think you may have forgotten all that you have done and the many place's you have seen .
    Sometimes we need to walk across the street and look at where we came from to appreciate how far we have come . As I sit here thinking its looking like your bucket may have more in it than most .
    But I have another one , How about we shame Karen into Sky Diving with you me Craig and Derek , Craig will be ok but I think Derek will cry like a baby ,and Karen, well if she really is a true friend she won't have a problem with it.Just think when and if they land ( Ok ) you know as well as I do they will be for ever grateful , and have you to thank
