Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bucket List Items...Front Flip!!

OK so maybe most of you think this maybe a little stretch for someone that is 50... but my initial intention was to master the front flip while I was 50! Looks like my present state may delay this for a bit, but my "Bucket List" still contains the front flip and I will get this accomplished very soon.. currently I've progressed to a break fall.. close but not there yet..

Bill, do you care to join me??

1 comment:

  1. Bill Says you need a Life ! But then again I'm thinking any man that needs to prove that he can do a front flip( If I do any flipping it won't be the kind that your looking for ) Must also be surounded by a wall of mirrors . Geeeesh You really need to get out more often .A front flip !!!! ... Listen turn off the lights and get out of there real quick No really if you keep hanggggging around there and checking out yourself in those mirrors .You risk becoming a very self centered person , We both know that's not you ,On the other hand My 14 year daughter says if you still want to learn how do a flip she will come over and advise you You and her are closer in size so it shouldn't be a problem for her to spot you as well .

    With Love
